HIS Acceptable Use Policy
  • You may use the service for any legal purpose. You may not use the service for illegal purposes.
  • Posting of pornographic material is prohibited on computers attached to the HIS network.
  • You may not use the service in such a way as to cause harm to HIS or other parts of the internet.
  • You may not use the service to send "SPAM" mail (unsolicited advertisements sent by email or cross-posted to multiple newsgroups). You may not use a his.com mailbox as a contact point for SPAM mail sent on this or any other system, and you may not use SPAM to advertise a web site that uses a HIS-hosted domain.
  • Host computers connected to the HIS network may not be configured so as to allow relaying of mail from unaffiliated systems to the internet (i.e., you may not operate an open SPAM relay).
  • You may not use the service to abuse or harrass others.
  • You must be 18 years of age or older to open an account.
  • HIS is not responsible for telephone toll charges incurred by dialup customers. Check your phone book (page 16 in the DC/VA/MD Bell Atlantic books) to determine which HIS POPs are local to you, or call your telco business office.
  • Violation of the HIS acceptable use policy will result in termination of service.
  • HIS reserves the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason.